Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Arctic Tundra Biome Activity

Activity Instructions:

Hello! Now that we have started our Arctic Tundra Biome project, it is time for each group to select the elements which will appear in their biome, including food sources and animals. As instructed in the last class, each group member should have created their Blogger account, which will allow for communication among groups. Each team leader should now post a blog to their group circle, starting off with the list of elements we began in class. Now is the time for the rest of the group to begin posting more ideas. Once the group has compiled an adequate list of elements, I will make a comment on the blog post, and the group will then be able to start the biome project the next class period. Groups need to have my approval by this Tuesday, because you need time to create your biome by Friday. Good luck and have fun Blogging!

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